Instinctively, Maryrose might express her ideas and feelings so others take notice. To some degree, she delights in leading conversations, telling stories, making presentations, debating, or discussing. Perhaps the verbal give-and-take between human beings is something she values or does well. Chances are good that she may feel complete when surrounded by people who like herself. Perhaps she long to be with friends she has not seen for a while. When they are not with her, she might feel a bit empty. By nature, she sometimes enjoys verbalizing her thoughts. She may want certain individuals to acknowledge her ideas and honor her feelings. Perhaps gaining and maintaining specific people’s attention pleases her. Driven by her talents, she may feel the absence of her friends more deeply than some people do. Perhaps she longs for the emotional support these individuals provide when miles separate them or circumstances make communication impossible. Because of her strengths, she welcomes the opportunity to regale people with her stories. Witty and engaging, her verbal exchanges generate excitement. She frequently captures and keeps her audience’s attention.
– copied from the Strengths Finder Assessment Report for Maryrose Mallari